Frequently Asked Questions

What are the show dates and location?

Dates: July 13-15, 2024
Location: Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, San Antonio, TX

Saturday, July 13 | 10:00am - 4:00pm | TRA Investment Bootcamp | (EXHIBIT FLOOR NOT OPEN)

Sunday, July 14 | 9:30am - 4:00pm | Texas Restaurant Show exhibit floor and education sessions
Sunday, July 14 | 5:30pm - 11:00pm | Texas Restaurant Awards & Lone Star Bash
Monday, July 15 | 9:30am - 4:00pm | Texas Restaurant Show exhibit floor and education sessions 

When will registration and housing open?

Registration for the Show is now open. Register here.
Discounted hotel rooms are available through our host hotel, Grand Hyatt San Antonio River Walk. Payment is not required at the time of booking.

What does the registration cost?

Registration fees range from complimentary admission for TRA restaurant members to $395 for non-exhibiting suppliers. A detailed breakdown of programming and associated costs can be found on the attending page. We have member, non-member and non-exhibiting supplier rates.

Are there special rates such as group rates, daily rates, etc., available?

There are no daily rates or special group rates. There are early bird and advance registration rates for TRA members and non-members. TRA members receive free early bird registration by logging into their account while registering. 

Do I have to be a Texas Restaurant Association member to attend?

No, but TRA restaurant members do receive free early bird registration and discounts on advance registration. All attendees must be affiliated with the restaurant/food service or lodging industry. You must use your company's member login information to register. Note: The Texas Restaurant Show is open to the trade only and not open to the public.

I'm a TRA Allied (Supplier/Vendor) Member, do I get discounted entry on registration?

No, all vendor/suppliers who are not exhibiting at the show (whether TRA allied members or not) must pay the non-exhibiting entry fee: Early Bird Jan 1 - Jun 15, $300;  Jun 16 - July 15, $395.  

Who should attend the show?

Professionals in the restaurant and hospitality industry including single and multi-unit independent operators, franchisees, franchisors, corporate executives, chefs, unit managers, institutional food service providers, hotels, caterers, etc.

Are children allowed to attend the Texas Restaurant Show?

No, children are not allowed to attend the Texas Restaurant Show, including infants and toddlers. No one under the age of 16 will be admitted. This rule is strictly enforced and applies to both attendees and exhibitors.

What is the expected attendance at the show?

More than 5,000 attendees over the course of the show are expected.

How many exhibitors will be at the show?

We expect 350+ exhibiting companies and more than 500 booths. To see a complete list of exhibitors, visit our interactive map.

Who should I contact if I would like to exhibit at the show?

Please contact Dave Heiges, Exhibitor Account Services Director, via e-mail.

How can I get a scooter or wheelchair accommodation?

Tom's Wheelchair Rentals (210)223-7878

Does Texas Restaurant Show allow “suitcasing”?

The Texas Restaurant Show is committed to safeguarding the interests of our valued exhibitors and the investments they have made in participating in our event. To maintain a level playing field and protect the integrity of the Texas Restaurant Show, we strictly prohibit suitcasing and outboarding activities. “Suitcasing” is the practice by individuals associated with companies that are not exhibiting or sponsoring, soliciting sales or sales leads on the expo floor, in the aisles, or in other public spaces utilized by the Texas Restaurant Show. Violators will be asked to return their badges and leave the premises immediately; no refunds will be issued to individuals or companies engaged in “suitcasing”. Attendees and exhibitors are encouraged to report any instances of suitcasing to show management immediately. 


The Texas Restaurant Show is committed to fostering an open and inclusive community for all participants. We strive to provide a friendly, safe, and welcoming environment, irrespective of gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, or religion. This Code of Conduct outlines our expectations for participant behavior and the consequences for unacceptable behavior, aiming to create a positive and secure conference experience. This Code of Conduct applies to all conference participants, including staff, sponsors, volunteers, speakers, attendees, and guests, at all conference venues and related social events.

Expected Behavior: 

  • Be considerate, respectful, and collaborative. 
  • Refrain from engaging in demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior, materials, and speech. 
  • Be mindful of their surroundings and fellow participants, alerting organizers to any dangerous situations or distress. 

Unacceptable behaviors include, but are not limited to: 

  • Intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory, or demeaning conduct or materials. 
  • Harassment, including offensive comments related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, or disability. 
  • Inappropriate use of nudity or sexual images in public spaces. 
  • Deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following. 
  • Boisterous, lewd, or offensive behavior, language, or content. 
  • Possession of items that can be used as weapons. 
  • Use or possession of illegal substances. 
  • Smoking outside of designated areas. 

Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior:

Any form of unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated. The conference organizers may take appropriate action, including expulsion from the conference without warning or refund. Compliance is expected immediately when asked to cease unacceptable behavior. 

What to Do if You Witness or Experience Unacceptable Behavior: 

If you witness or experience unacceptable behavior, please notify a conference organizer promptly. All reports will be kept confidential. Event staff will assist participants in contacting venue security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or offer support to ensure a safe environment.


By entering the event, participants agree to have their image and likeness used by the Texas Restaurant Association for video recordings and photographs.